Root Canal Treatment Atlanta, GA

Comfortable Care, Successful Outcomes

Now Accepting New Patients. No Referral Necessary!

We Can Help Save Your Tooth and Relieve Pain

Are you experiencing… 


Tooth pain, discomfort, or abnormal sensitivity?


Gums that are swollen, tender, or have pimples?


Do you have a discolored tooth?


Did your dentist recommend a root canal?


Have you cracked a tooth or suffered from a traumatic accident?


Are you looking for an option to save your tooth rather than extract it?


Are you seeking a second opinion?

Root canal treatment might be the answer. Dr. Megan King is here to help. No referral needed! Contact us today.

A Comfortable & Enjoyable Root Canal Experience Lies Ahead

Dr. King is Atlanta’s recognized expert on delivering comfortable root canal experiences focused on patient education and successful outcomes.

There’s no referral needed and even if you’re not sure what kind of care you need, please contact us. As a dental pain specialist, Dr. King will help you find answers to your questions, help you understand whether or not root canal therapy is necessary, and explain what to expect from start to finish.

You’re in good hands, here.

Patient Testimonial

Getting Started Is Simple

Schedule Appointment

We’re proud to be highly referred to by dentists throughout the greater Atlanta area, but a referral is not necessary to schedule an appointment.

Complete New Patient Forms

Complete forms ahead of time and save time at our office.

Save Your Tooth

Dr. King will diagnose your dental problem and create a customized treatment plan for you. No one-size-fits-all recommendations here — we do what’s best for you.

Hear From Our Patients

“Upon meeting Dr. King, she really made me feel more relaxed and comfortable.”

What Is a Root Canal?

The goal of root canal treatment is to achieve patient comfort, stop infection, and save your tooth while eliminating any unwanted symptoms. During this procedure, your endodontist will remove the inflamed or infected pulp, carefully clean and disinfect the canal system, and then fill and seal the canals. Once your root canal has been completed, Dr. King will refer you back to your general dentist for a dental crown or other permanent restoration. This final step is an important part of root canal treatment because it seals and protects the tooth, restoring it to its original function and beauty.


Do I Need a Root Canal?

You might need a root canal if you have…

  • A deep cavity
  • Extensive or repeated dental procedures
  • Dental cracks or fractures
  • Anatomic anomalies in a tooth
  • Suffered a trauma, which can cause inflammation and often shows up as discoloration of the tooth. If pulp inflammation or infection is left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess.


Each of the above situations can lead to an inflamed or infected pulp. It’s important to address pulp inflammation or infection before it worsens. Left untreated or delayed, it’s possible you may experience severe pain and swelling, and may end up losing your natural tooth.

There are a variety of treatment options for a diseased pulp. If you’re in pain or have noticed some other tell-tale signs of an infection, contact us for a consultation. Dr. King will evaluate your tooth and help you understand what type of dental treatment is best for you. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. We do what’s best for you.

Ask Dr. King: What to Expect from a Root Canal

Does Getting a Root Canal Hurt?

My patients are always surprised by how easy getting a root canal is. Most say it’s comparable to getting a filling. At Endodontic Excellence of Atlanta, we go the extra mile to ensure our patients are comfortable and relaxed. We’ll get you set up with blankets, pillows, eye protection, music, and anything else you need to relax before starting treatment. If you suffer from dental anxiety, let us know. We offer several options to help you relax, including nitrous oxide and oral sedation. We’ll cater our treatment to your needs.

Are Root Canals Safe?

Root canals are one of the most common dental procedures with roughly 25 million performed every year. While this treatment is proven to eliminate tooth infections, misinformation continues to circulate on the internet that may cause patients to question the safety of endodontics. This false information is based on poor research methods as well as an absence of knowledge regarding bacteria and it’s pathological abilities. At Endodontic Excellence of Atlanta, we are committed to providing safe, high-quality care and are happy to answer all your questions on this topic to help you feel comfortable and confident in your treatment with us.

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

Root canal treatment usually takes about 30-90 minutes to complete. Occasionally, root canal treatment will be divided into two separate appointments if your tooth needs to be medicated. This medication is placed in your tooth to kill bacteria and prepare the tooth to be filled with root canal filling materials.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

Your root canal treatment is an investment in your health and future! Our team will work with your insurance company to maximize your benefits and make this process as seamless for you as possible. Additionally, we offer no-interest financing options through CareCredit.

Our front office personnel will ensure you understand the cost associated with your treatment while maximizing your insurance benefits.

Do You Offer Sedation Options?

We offer several sedation options to reduce any anxiety during root canal treatment. These options include nitrous oxide and oral anti-anxiety medications.

Nitrous oxide is a safe and simple form of sedation. You’ll breathe through a comfortable mask worn over your nose and quickly feel relaxed but fully conscious. Unlike some forms of sedation, the effects wear off as soon as your treatment is over. You’ll feel back to normal within just a few minutes. You can even drive home after!

We also offer oral anxiolytics (anti-anxiety) medications. Typically, these come in the form of a pill or tablet and are taken prior to treatment. When taking these medications, we do ask that you have a driver to and from your visit.

Dr. King will discuss your options with you and help you decide which option may be best suited for you and your anxiety.

Contact us to learn more.

Save Your Smile, Comfortably

We’re proud to be highly referred to by dentists throughout the greater Atlanta area, but a dentist referral is not necessary to make an appointment. We’ll provide answers to your questions or even a second opinion.

Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Or learn more about becoming a patient.

patient root canal treatment endodontic exellence atlanta georgia

Visit Us

3490 Piedmont Rd.
Suite 1180
Atlanta, GA 30305

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Monday - Thursday: 8AM - 4PM
Friday: 8AM - 12PM